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Pom koj ntawm lub rooj muag zaub 10.1A11C ntawm Automechanika Frankfurt 2024

Automechanika Frankfurt yog suav tias yog ib qho ntawm cov lag luam loj tshaj plaws txhua xyoo rau kev lag luam kev lag luam tsheb.Qhov kev ncaj ncees yuav muaj nyob rau ntawm 10 txog 14 Cuaj hlis 2024.Qhov kev tshwm sim yuav nthuav tawm ntau cov khoom lag luam tshiab hauv 9 feem ntau thov sub-sectors, muab faib ua cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb hauv qab no hauv lawv cov sector:
‣ Accessories thiab customizing
‣ Lub cev thiab xim
‣ Tsheb ntxuav thiab tu
‣ Classic tsheb
‣ Kev Lag Luam & Kev Tswj Xyuas Rhiav
‣ Kev kuaj mob thiab kho
‣ Electronics & kev sib txuas
‣ Cov khoom & cov khoom

Auto Suspensionparts

Nws yog lub caij nyoog zoo kom tau txais kev sib txuas nrog lub neej yav tom ntej ntawm kev lag luam tsheb hauv kev lag luam ua lag luam, raws li ib qho ntawm cov kws tshaj lij tsheb qhov chaw muag khoom, G&W yuav nthuav tawm kev ncaj ncees nrog nws cov khoom siv zoo, lub rooj muag khoom No. yog 10.1A11C, peb yuav qhia peb cov kev sib tw zoo tshaj plaws thiab cov khoom tshiab tshaj plaws ntawm kev ncaj ncees ces.

cav txias qhov chaw

Cov khoom lag luam muaj G&W muab:

Kev ncua qhov chaw: Tswj caj npab, Shock absorber, Cua ncua kev kawm ntawv, Strut mount.
Steering qhov chaw: Pob sib koom, khi pas nrig kawg, Stabilizer, lub zog lub twj tso kua mis, lub kauj khib.
Cav txias qhov chaw: Cav Mount, Radiator, Dej twj tso kua mis, Radiator ntxuam, Inter txias, Inter txias hose, Radiator hose, Expansion tank.
A / C qhov chaw: Condenser, Blower motor, rhaub, Blower resistor.
Lim: Cua lim, Cabin cua lim, roj lim thiab roj lim.
Lub cev qhov chaw: rear wiper hniav, sib txuas keyboards, Qhov rai regulator, Clips thiab fasteners.
Lwm qhov chaw: Tshav Pulley, Log hub, CV Joint, CV qag, Pib thiab Alternator.

G&W product ranges cover most of popular cars and light trucks on market.Supplying with OEM and ODM auto parts services since 2004,more than 500SKU new auto parts are added every year per customer and market’s demand,G&W strives to satisfy the demand of multiple SKU and flexible quantity from the market.Any interest about G&W company or our auto parts,please contact us sales@genfil.com.

Peb tos ntsoov yuav ntsib peb cov phooj ywg tshiab thiab qub dua hauv Frankfurt.Nyob zoo siab txais tos sawv daws tuaj koom 10.1A11C.

Genfil Filters

Post lub sij hawm: Aug-08-2024